Two interesting and opposite things happened recently. We had budbreak in mid-April and I included a picture looking down a row. You can see all the small shoots. The cover crop was planted last fall and was just disked (sp?) under last week. I'll have to take a new picture. Weather started out great but has been cold - we need some heat to get these plants growing.
Second picture is of what's going on next door. Our neighbor passed away and her children have decided to log the property. You can see the clear cut of the hillside. Certainly won't be as scenic in some parts of the vineyard for a while. I am generally in favor of property rights - the " if you own the land, you shouldn't have too many restrictions on what you can do with it" philosophy, so I really don't have a problem with it. We had a similar clear cut up the hill several years ago and the trees do grow back.
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